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June 7th, 2006San Diego (May 31, 2006) - Professional Golfer Tiger Woods squeezes off a round from a Sig Sauer handgun during training at a shooting range outside San Diego. Navy SEAL instructors assigned to Naval Special Warfare Center at Coronado taught Woods basic marksmanship skills during a recent visit. U.S Navy photo by Chief Journalist Deborah Carson San Diego (Jan. 27, 2006) - Pro golfer Tiger Woods views a static display of various SEAL weaponry. Tiger was in San Diego for the Buick Invitational Golf Tournament and spent the afternoon learning about the Special Operations Community. U.S. Navy photo by Cmdr. Jeffrey BenderDer Trainer des US-Teams, Bruce Arena, steigt am Dienstag (06.06.2006) hinter schwer bewaffneten Polizeibeamten vom Mobilen Einsatzkommando in den Mannschaftsbus nach dem öffentlichen Training in Hamburg. Die US-Mannschaft bestreitet ihr erstes Spiel bei der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft gegen die Tschechische Republik in Gelsenkirchen. Foto: Kay Nietfeld Australian soldiers search a suspected looter in Dili in East Timor, Wednesday, June 7, 2006. An East Timor rebel leader said Wednesday that he is willing to hold talks on ending the troubled country's wave of violence, but made clear that any solution should not include a role for the current prime minister. (AP Photo/Mark Baker) An Australian soldier takes a suspected looter away in handcuffs in Dili in East Timor, Wednesday, June 7, 2006. An East Timor rebel leader said Wednesday that he is willing to hold talks on ending the troubled country's wave of violence, but made clear that any solution should not include a role for the current prime minister. (AP Photo/Mark Baker) Members of Japanese coast guard on a boat pass by South Korea's coast guard ship during an exercise of North Pacific Coast Guard Forum in Busan, Wednesday, June 7, 2006. Coastguards from South Korea, Japan, the United States, China, Canada and Russia participate coast guard exercises near the Busan port to halt the spread of drugs and smuggling. (AP Photo/ Lee Jin-man)

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June 6, 2006Two armed men robbed a supermarket taking personnel hostage.Police was alerted and quick at the scene. One suspect leaving the store with a hostage has been arrested, the other one ran inside and was arrested by the special unit of the Federal Police DSU SIE.Copyright pictures : BelgaUnder heavy security, Adm. William Fallon, center, commander of U.S. Forces in the Pacific, arrives to the Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf stronghold of Jolo in southern Philippines Monday, June 5, 2006 to visit American troops who are battling terrorism by treating the sick and helping build roads and schools.The predominantly Muslim island of Jolo, about 940 kilometers (580 miles) south of Manila, is a crucial front in the war against Islamic militancy in Southeast Asia which has served as a stronghold of the small but violent Abu Sayyaf group, which is on a U.S. list of terrorist groups. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez) Mediterranean Sea (June 5, 2006) - Marines of the 1st Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team, 5th Platoon, Marine Corps Security Force Europe fast rope from an MH-60S Seahawk helicopter assigned to the Chargers of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Two Six (HSC-26) onto the flightdeck of the amphibious assault ship USS Saipan. Commander, Amphibious Squadron Eight embarked aboard USS Saipan (LHA 2) is participating in a multi-national combined exercise with North African and European forces during exercise Phoenix Express. The exercise will provide U.S. and allied forces an opportunity to participate in diverse maritime training scenarios helping to increase maritime domain awareness and strengthen emerging and enduring partnerships. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate Airman Patrick W. Mullen III A Venezuelan marine sniper dressed as a civilian demonstrates for the press as he trains to protect a major seaport on the outskirts of Caracas in La Guaira, Venezuela, Tuesday, June 6, 2006, in ongoing preparations ordered by Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez for a possible U.S. invasion. Chavez says Venezuela's military would likely be outnumbered and out gunned by the powerful U.S. military amid an invasion, so his government is preparing both soldiers and civilians to fight a guerilla-style resistance war. (AP Photo/Leslie Mazoch) United States manager Bruce Arena boards the team bus under armed security as they leave an open training session in Norderstedt, Germany Tuesday, June 6, 2006. The United States will play against Italy, Ghana, and the Czech Republic in Group E during the 2006 World Cup soccer in Germany. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola) The United States team bus prepares to leave under armed security after an open training session in Norderstedt, Germany Tuesday, June 6, 2006. The United States will play against Italy, Ghana, and the Czech Republic in Group E during the 2006 World Cup soccer in Germany. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola) Der Trainer des US-Teams, Bruce Arena, steigt am Dienstag (06.06.2006) hinter schwer bewaffneten Polizeibeamten vom Mobilen Einsatzkommando in den Mannschaftsbus nach dem öffentlichen Training in Hamburg. Die US-Mannschaft bestreitet ihr erstes Spiel bei der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft gegen die Tschechische Republik in Gelsenkirchen. Foto: Kay Nietfeld Polizeibeamte des Mobilen Einsatzkommandos sichern am Freitagmorgen (02.06.2006) auf dem Hamburger Flughafen den Bus des US-Teams. Mit einer Polizeieskorte wurde die Mannschaft aus den USA in ihr Hauptquatier während der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft gefahren. Die Mannschaft wohnt im Park-Hyatt-Hotel in der Hamburger Innenstadt. Foto: Kay Nietfeld East Timor's President Xanana Gusmao, center, talks to protesters as he guard by Australian soldier in front of Presidential Palace in Dili, East Timor, Tuesday, June 6, 2006. Some 2,000 protesters calling for the ouster of East Timor's prime minister entered the capital in a convoy of trucks and motorcycles Tuesday, hours after mobs set buildings on fire and looted a warehouse filled with farm supplies. (AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati) Sri Lankan army explosive experts conduct investigations at the site of the explosion at Walisara, on the outskirts of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Tuesday, June 6, 2006. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Suspected Tamil Tiger rebels triggered two deadly anti-personnel mines outside Sri Lanka's capital early Tuesday, wounded a bus driver and a conductor, but missed a navy convoy that was their apparent target, the military said. (AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe) Soldiers stand guard at the site of the explosion at Walisara, on the outskirts of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Tuesday, June 6, 2006. Suspected Tamil Tiger rebels triggered two deadly anti-personnel mines outside Sri Lanka's capital early Tuesday, wounding a bus driver and a conductor, but missed a navy convoy that was their apparent target, the military said. (AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe)Two members of the Special Anti-Terrorism Unit team" SWAT" guard a parking lot of the Department of Foreign affairs during a sesion of the Organization of American States (OAS) on Monday, June 5, 2006, in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.(AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

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(一) 籃球賽~ 加油~ ! ! 昨天~~ 我6:30就起床ㄌ ! ! 準備要ㄑ應付橋下籃球賽  (我是陪人ㄑ看唷~~) = = 然後快要7點時~~ 我們就到萊爾富等人 ─ˇ─ 結果到萊爾富時‧‧ 等ㄌ1ㄍ小時又10幾分 = = 那ㄍ人才來  = = 等到快噴火 ! ! 因為是ㄊ說7點要ㄑㄉ ! ! @@ 結果ㄊ竟然遲到 = = 而且還遲那麼久 ! ! 真是敗給ㄊ  ─ ─ 人都要齊ㄌ ! ! 我門就前往橋下拉~~ 到那裡已經9點多ㄌ = = 又在那混ㄌ一下  (混到10點多) 我門要看ㄉ人開始比賽ㄌ ! ! 第一場差一分就贏ㄌ ! ! = = 第二場好像差很多分吧 ? ! ( 不清楚 ) 因為我看到對方一直進 = = 所以我也不知道是差幾分 ! ! 輸ㄌ不要氣餒唷~~ 還有 下一次ㄉ比賽阿 ! ! 下一場比賽ㄋ們一定會通通都贏 ! ! 然後得到第一名~~ ︿︿ 哈哈~~ 還有阿 ! ! 那一堆人ㄉ眼睛不要在飄ㄉ好嗎 ? ! 小心眼珠掉下來唷 ! ! 哈哈~~ 為下一次ㄉ比賽 ! ! 加油~~加油~~ ︿︿                                                         .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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拜託各位囉 ! ! 為什麼 為什麼 ? ? ? ? ? ? 大家都不來留言 >< 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚~~~~~ 來看文章 ! ! 也來留ㄍ言嘛 ! ! 就這樣 ─ˇ─ 麻煩各位囉~~ 呵~~ 這篇寫ㄉ好少 ! ! 不過我只是希望大家能來留ㄍ言 ! ! ︿︿                                 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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新班導 ─ˇ─ 今天看到ㄌ新班導ㄉ氣勢  @@ 說有多兇就有多兇 ! ! 看到班導一進門是‧‧ 期待ㄊ會說什麼  ─ˇ─ 然後是驚嚇 (因為ㄊ說ㄌ一大堆劈哩啪啦ㄉ東東) 聽ㄌ一直打哈欠 ︿︿ 又怕被發現會被罵  所以只好偷偷摸摸ㄉ = = 還要寫一大堆ㄉ資料  期望 ‧‧ 什麼什麼ㄉ真是有夠麻煩 >< 最後是害怕和小小ㄉ開心 害怕是因為ㄊ很兇‧‧所以以後ㄉ日子不好過ㄌ 不但兇  ㄊ還很愛管  超龜毛  = = 以後真ㄉ完蛋ㄌ ! ! 小小ㄉ開心是因為ㄊ私底下還滿好相處ㄉ吧  ? ! ↑(不知道是ㄆ是因為這ㄍ 當時就是有點開心 ) 希望以後我不會惹到ㄊ ! ! .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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適合帶老人家去吃的喫茶趣位於內湖瑞光路上的喫茶趣是我覺得很適合帶老人家去吃的地方上次帶爸媽去他們對那兒的桂香珍魚套膳讚不絕口兼顧健康與美味不油膩對老人家的身體很好我自己很推薦綠茶人參雞套膳而套膳中的配菜建議綠茶翡翠豆腐湯品則可選茶香雲吞湯飲料部分個人覺得鮮榨水果綠茶很不錯想要吃得美味爽口無負擔的話不妨考慮喫茶趣喔  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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以後要吃什麼呢今晚因為留在學校改作業(可惡的颱風假壓縮了我的時間)所以晚上八點才到家ㄧ進門就看到桌上留了一盤豐富的飯菜而老母去附近的國小運動了心中忽然ㄧ股熱流湧出覺得家中有人這樣對待自己真是太溫暖了但ㄧ邊吃著可口的晚餐一邊開始隱隱地擔憂如果有一天老母不在了那晚歸的我要吃什麼呢於是感覺到ㄧ絲絲的淒涼這大概也是單身要付出的代價吧 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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大胃王初賽 昨天早上起得比較早,再加上前一天晚上煮的羊肉爐剩下一些湯,所以決定煮一碗什錦拉麵給羽銘當早餐! 先在羊肉湯中放入高麗菜絲、金針菇、雪菇,切小塊的貢丸,再加入快煮拉麵和茼蒿菜,又煎了兩塊豬排放在最上面。結果煮成ㄧ大盆的拉麵。 羽銘漱洗好下樓來ㄧ看,慘叫ㄧ聲:「現在是電視冠軍賽大胃王初賽的考題嗎?」 我在一旁躲著偷笑,笑得ㄧ直發抖,不敢搭腔! 他少爺只好乖乖的埋頭苦幹,但還是只嗑完半盆,就撂下ㄧ句:「剩下的晚上回來宵夜再吃!」可見雖然大盆,應該是不錯吃的啦! .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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國軍軍勤致人民傷亡補償案 陳福海要求採包裹審查方式一次審完國軍軍勤致人民傷亡補償案陳福海要求採包裹審查方式一次審完立法院第7屆第2會期外交及國防委員會審查98年度中央政府總預算案全體委員會議第9次會議紀錄時  間 中華民國97年11月19日(星期三)上午9時10分地  點 紅樓301會議室主  席 林委員郁方陳福海質詢國防部:「四項協議」簽署後,已開啟兩岸關係的新紀元,軍事衝突的可能性大為降低,金馬的國防軍事定位,應一併檢討。目前影響金門地區經濟發展最大的障礙,在於金門地區有三個政府(金指部、國家公園與縣政府),宛如三頭馬車。在兩岸大幅降低軍事威脅的同時,國防部有責任就金門的軍事任務作深入而完整的評估,並配合當前情勢,訂定適切的防衛部署,對於不影響戰備演訓的時空環境,讓位給地方來發展經濟。但目前在金門鵲山風景區,計畫耗資4億5千萬元整建9.5公頃的軍事設施,作為更新防衛系統之儲存及維修之用。全案與當前兩岸關係緩和之時空背景,完全背道而馳,在金門風景區整建軍事基地,更是植基於「金門戰地」的舊思維,預設兩岸軍事衝突的戰場,已引發地方強大的疑慮與反彈。國防部應優先檢討本案的必要性與適切性,避免讓金門再陷入另一場戰爭的威脅中。其次,對金門地區禁、限制水域也應該一併檢討,重新定位。金門因與大陸地區一水之隔,無法依國際法規定劃定領海基線,乃於民國90年開放小三通時,由國防部依防務需要,劃定並公告金門地區的禁、限制水域。但此一公告是我方片面的宣示,並未取得中共的認同,實施8年以來,根本無法有效禁絕越界的大陸漁船,以致走私、偷渡狀況,禁之不絕,大陸漁船的濫捕情形,毒、電魚等破壞沿海生態之行為,更是屢見不鮮。對於國家主權、金門地區的安全與生態的維護,都造成嚴重的衝擊。本席要求,應將金門地區的禁、限制水域,重新檢討劃設,並列入下一回合兩岸談判的議程,以確保金門地區的安全與生態環境的永續發展。再者,兩岸和解開放的程度已達到60年來的最高點,但國防部對於戰爭期間因國軍軍事勤務致傷亡損害補償作業,卻遲遲未能完成。自88年12月1日至97年11月11日止,歷時9年,經國防部補償委員會審議核定補償金案件總計574件(含人員傷亡433件、財物損害141件),補償案件審議進度僅達33%,依此進度推估,剩餘案件之審議核定約需時20年之久。對於過去60年因戰爭所造成的人員傷亡與財物損失,國防部應以負責任的態度,加速相關審查作業,除了三個月才召開一次的審查會,並研議每個月辦理一次審查會,每次審查會審理的案件數,亦應增加,或根本上採取包裹審查方式,一次審理完畢,不要再讓戰爭的陰影,持續籠照在受害民眾心理。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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再提「八二三參戰榮民晚年生活照顧特別條例」 在未完成立法前應提高三節慰問金再提「八二三參戰榮民晚年生活照顧特別條例」在未完成立法前應提高三節慰問金立法院第7屆第2會期外交及國防委員會審查98年度中央政府總預算案全體委員會議第8次會議紀錄時  間 中華民國97年11月17日(星期一)上午9時地  點 本院紅樓301會議室主  席 劉委員盛良陳福海質詢退輔會:第二次江陳會已於11月6日結束,完成海運、空運、郵政合作及食品安全四項協議的簽署,兩岸關係即將有大突破,進入大和解的階段,但政府對於防衛台澎金馬安全著有功蹟的823戰役參戰之官兵及金門自衛隊的隊員,卻未被肯定與重視,迄今仍未予以合理的撫卹安養。時移勢轉,兩岸大和解之際,當年參戰官兵卻在冷風中蕭瑟凋零,令人悲涼。「八二三戰役」奠定台海安全的基礎,是舉世皆知的事實。「八二三戰役」的勝利,是全體參戰官兵及金門民防自衛隊員齊心協力浴血奮戰的成果。惟囿於當時國基未定、財力不足的狀況,所有參戰官兵與自衛隊員,均未獲得應有的勳榮與補償。對於當年參戰官兵的貢獻與補償,本院自第5屆任期起,即有黃昭順、朱鳳芝、盧秀燕、林炳坤、吳成典、沈智慧、游月霞等多位委員均曾分別提案,欲圖立法,籌思慰助與關懷,惜因國內社會共識不足與行政部門觀望心態,致「八二三參戰榮民晚年生活照顧特別條例(草案)」迄本屆任期,將歷10年,仍無所成。據行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會統計,「八二三戰役」參戰官兵迄本(97)年8月底止計20,318人,平均年齡73.7歲;金馬自衛隊員10,308人,平均年齡73.9歲,總計30,626人。除人數日漸少之外,現存人員平均年齡與國人平均餘命75.1歲之差距,僅1.2年,可享之榮耀與天年,餘日已無多。本席認為,在慶賀當前兩岸關係大幅改善之際,首先應該對這些犧牲奉獻的官兵,給予合理的歷史定位與榮耀,感謝他們對國家的貢獻;再者應該檢討給予實質的補償,以他門風燭殘年之齡,能拿的也不多了,政府在大力扶老蓄幼之際,對這些有功的參戰官兵晚年照遇,何以太苛。本席認為,現在對於殘存的參戰官兵,所給予的任何優遇,都沒有「太超過」的問題,政府應該以負責任的精神與認真的態度,來面對這些晚景淒涼的有功官兵。本席要求,行政部門應該立即就本院歷次提案未通過的「八二三參戰榮民晚年生活照顧特別條例(草案)」深入研究,主動提案為這些有功官兵爭取應有的榮耀與福利。再者,在法案未完成研議立法之前,退輔會除三大節日的慰問外,亦應加強平日的連繫作為,如生日慶賀、傷病慰問、喜慶喪弔等基本關懷,讓這些老兵感受當國家的溫暖。老兵是國之重寶,憲法增修條文第10條對榮民的養護,已訂有相關規定予以保障,但徒法不足以自行,對於八二三戰役有功的老兵,國家的照護卻顯有不足,在此兩岸關係「一笑泯恩仇」之際,政府應拿出具體的辦法,弭平這些參戰官兵心中的傷痕。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

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